Healine / Opal Health

2020 - 2021 • web • django • web-rtc • school

A tele-medicine website with a full backend and easy video/audio calling

Healine / Opal Health

(The logo for this project is for Healine, but the project was renamed from Healine to Opal Health)

Opal Health was a telemedicine site I contributed to for the Technology Student Association’s Webmaster event. It featured a fully functional backend that allowed patients to request appointments and doctors to accept those appointments. Once the appointment time came, the patient and doctor could communicate through audio and video with the web interface and also text chat.

The backend was made in Django and the frontend was vanilla CSS (not done by me).

This project was a great learning experience for me, I got to learn how to use WebRTC, which was interesting. I forwent using any libraries or packages when making the video chat as well so I could learn how everything worked. The only external library I used was Scale Drone as a way to perform signaling.

My team members made the front end of the site, I just handled the backend and the video chat. Overall it was a really fun project, sadly the competition was canceled due to COVID-19.