My Projects
Sorted By Year • 27 Total
Yet another guide to using Nix/NixOS, with a twist 
An online judging system 
A tool for displaying notifications when a TransLoc bus is at a specific location. 
Bingus Bot
A simple Discord bot that provides a unique chatting experience via Markov Chains 
GitHub Grader Preview
A simple CLI for running the GitHub auto grader locally. 
Wayland MPRIS Idle Inhibit
A tool for inhibiting idle when media is playing 
A website for managing and remote-ing into a virtual machine running in the cloud 
Outer Wilds Mod Manager
A fully-featured manager for Outer Wilds mods 
Portfolio Site
The site you're currently looking at. (trippy) 
Co-op Scheduler
A WinForms app for scheduling students for job shadows 
The web framework for astronauts with deadlines 
A simple and quick SSG framework for documentation sites New Horizons Config Editor
A GUI-based editor for New Horizons configs 
Outer Wilds Save Editor
A save editor for Outer Wilds 
Outer Wilds Time Saver
A mod that saves players time in Outer Wilds 
Outer Wilds Mod Loader Docs
Documentation for the Outer Wilds Mod Loader 
Tech Trends
A website showing the latest tech trends of 2022 & 2023 
Berks Dental
A organization website for the Berks Dental Assistants Society 
Code Review
A classroom workflow that lets students review other student's code Outer Wilds New Horizons
A modding framework for creating custom content in Outer Wilds 
A Discord bot/framework for building bots using Django's ORM 
Unity WebGL Template
A GitHub repo template for easily deploying Unity games to GitHub pages. 
BCTC Projects
A collection of projects I've done for Berks Career and Technology Center, Information Technology Programming 
Healine / Opal Health
A tele-medicine website with a full backend and easy video/audio calling 
Quick Wheel
A weapon-wheel-like launcher app to access your apps quickly 
Do Thing
(Yet Another) Cross-Platform To-Do List App 
Enigma Machine Project
A informational website about the Enigma machine and a digital recreation of it.