New Horizons Config Editor

2022 • tauri • rust • web • react • bootstrap • outer-wilds

A GUI-based editor for New Horizons configs

New Horizons Config Editor

The config editor is a desktop I made to make editing New Horizons config files easier. It uses React for UI and Bootstrap for styling. The forms were created with React JSON Schema Form]. The backend was made with Rust and it’s all tied together by Tauri.

The app auto-generates UI from JSON schemas, meaning no updates are needed as New Horizons itself updates. In addition to form-based editing, it also supports editing text directly with Monaco which provides a VSCode-like experience. It also validates some other things beyond simple type checking that VSCode can’t do with a JSON schema.

This was my first Tauri app so I made some mistakes that I now know not to make, but it made me really like Tauri and how it approached application development.