Code Review

2021 - 2022 • web • bootstrap • python • django • active-directory • school

A classroom workflow that lets students review other student's code

Code Review

Code Review was my senior project in my trade school. It’s an intranet site that students could use to grade other students’ programs.

It was made because oftentimes students need their code reviewed to continue to the next topic but the instructor may not always be available to do so.

It uses Active Directory to authenticate users and auto-syncs with it over time. It also features a leaderboard for friendly competition.

It was made using Django and Bootstrap for styling.

This was my first “real” product; that is, something users would need to interact with and use in the real world. It took some time to plan and work out the details with my instructor, and changes were needed after the project was officially done, but it turned out to be very handy. …Although some of my classmates may have taken the leaderboard a bit too seriously 😅.

It has many tests, flowcharts, data flow diagrams, and ERDs available in the GitHub repo.